》 點此進入蘋果產品回饋網頁 (點此看步驟教學),並填入下列資訊。
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Your product iPad Mini’s panel supplier, AU Optronics Corporation (AUO) set up a plant upstream and has discharged its wastewater into Siaoli River for 13 years, polluting drinking for 35,000 people and irrigating water for 1,400 hectares farmland in Hsinpu Township, Hsinchu County.
Several residents have suffered from unexplained respiratory and skin diseases, plus, their home water heater and kettle are often corroded. I don’t want to see such events stain iPad Mini and Apple’s brand. Please ask AUO to stop polluting Siaoli River, in order to fulfill its social responsibility. Thank you!
》 點此進入華碩客服網站
1. 填寫「基本資料」,略過「產品資訊」。
2. 於「客戶意見」欄,先填入主旨(抗議貴公司面板供應商華映不環保),再填入下列資訊:
貴公司產品Nexus 7的面板供應商中華映管(CPT)在霄裡溪上游設立工廠,十三年來,持續把有毒廢水排進溪中、流入取水口,污染了新竹縣新埔鎮3萬5千多人的飲用水,以及下游1400公頃農田的灌溉水。
如今多位居民陸續出現原因不明的皮膚病,或是被呼吸道疾病所苦,甚至已經罹患喉癌過世。我不願見到這些事件讓Nexus 7和ASUS招牌染上污點,請要求中華映管停止污染霄裡溪,善盡企業社會責任。謝謝!